Cardinal Selling Services Launches “Cardinal Cares” Campaign to Help Local Non-Profit Organizations

Cardinal Selling Services Launches “Cardinal Cares” Campaign to Help Local Non-Profit Organizations

In an effort to give back to the community that has been so good to them and do their part to “pay it forward”, the team at Cardinal Selling Services has recently initiated a new philanthropic program called Cardinal Cares. Under this model, clients can use Cardinal Selling Services marketing channels to sell their assets and donate a portion of the profits to their favorite non-profit charity. Cardinal understands the value of being a Good Samaritan, but they also want to help their clients and customers feel that same sense of giving.

Since implementing the program, Cardinal has worked with a number of local groups including Memorial Hospital, Tri-County YMCA, Dubois County Humane Society, Dubois County Habitat for Humanity, and the Sister’s of St. Benedict. Their latest venture was partnering with Proclamation of the Word in Louisville, Kentucky. Proclamation works with individuals recently released from incarceration in helping them to readjust to the real world by providing them with jobs, housing, and mentoring. When asked about what Cardinal’s services meant to the program, executive director Darryll Davis had this to say:

“Cardinal Selling Services and their team were amazing. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 ministry. We are often donated miscellaneous items such as offices, vehicles, etc. On a late Friday afternoon we were contacted by a donor with an office that needed to be evacuated by the next Monday. One call to Cardinal, a few pics and the deal was done. They were efficient and serious about getting the work done. Love these guys.” 

-Darryll Davis, Executive Director

The second week of July, Cardinal also pledged to donate 2% of the total weeks profits to the local Humane Society. Besides having the satisfaction of donating resources to the organization, the Humane Society gave the crew at Cardinal a special gift as well:  The two office mascots, feline friends Buddy and Bobbi.


Resident “watch” cats Buddy (left) and Bobbi (right)

Cardinal also works each week with the local Habitat/Restore. Selling assets donated to their organization is a focus Cardinal takes with great pride. The return Cardinal receives allows for more return to the community in the way of homes for deserving families.  A 6 year girl scout, Cardinal’s owner Vicki Wiederkehr has some basic motto’s instilled, mainly to leave a place better than she found it.  Giving back to the community is just a part of the founders motto.

“Cardinal Selling Services was recommend by one of our long term volunteers.  Due to our limited space, we have directed several of our unique, one-off items to them, resulting in top dollar sales.  Timely payments and sales ticket documentation has resulted in an excellent business relationship that has added to our monthly sales volume.”

-Karen Ellis, Manager of Dubois County Habitat for Humanity ReStore

Cardinal Selling Services’ CEO and founder, Vicki Wiederkehr, takes pride in the Cardinal Care program. Not being from Jasper  (but rather in nearby Huntingburg), she has always wanted to find a way to give back to a community that has given her so much. Cardinal Selling Services Jasper office is the corporate location of their business franchise division Nimblenet, LLC.

“For me, it was a no-brainer to try and give back to this wonderful community. We work hard to get the best return for any client; but when it’s for a charitable organization, it makes those profits that much more rewarding knowing that you’re helping somebody in need. It’s the dedication to details which allows our team to represent items the professionally with key facts, research and ad placement to the right channels that makes the Cardinal model an even more important fit for our community as we work to strengthen our services that we’re providing to these non-profits. It’s exciting to flex our business muscles with the huge successes we contribute to doing our work each day.”

-Vicki Wiederkehr, CEO

21st Jul 2016 Dave Carder

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